In this course you'll learn how to build a simple blog with user registration and blog CRUD functionality. Django is a powerful framework and you'll see why in this course.

Create post

New blog test

This is a new blog test.
The images are of the moon.
This is an artificial moon.
This might be a large image but it also needs a long description.

This is a test post update part 2

This is a test body for the test post.
This must be longer than 50 characters so there is a validation.

lig blog post



hsdtuhkgvg vhkbjonlkmxfgmkfikm dtmkg,vhgm jchvk,vhvk ,bjj hmjhbv,hiu,lvlbuj

Now this is the final test - Updated

This is going to work! alkdjasldk jadl kajsd laskjd laksjd also djalskd jaslkd jaslkd djasldk jaslkd kdjasl dkjasl dkajs ldkasj dlkasj dlkasj d


just testing posts ...

Random pic


Amazing title - Update2

Update - Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec maximus enim et metus vehicula, et pharetra turpis sagittis. Suspendisse ac ornare nibh, non bibendum nibh. Vivamus gravida rutrum neque a gravida. Phasellus vestibulum dui vel …

last test

sddd fcvhtrcxwthvb hhhhhjjvcgh


hello ありがとう hola, bonjour, 50 asddffjlsndkisknsnsnsksisksk aáaaa

In this course you'll learn how to build a simple blog with user registration and blog CRUD functionality. Django is a powerful framework and you'll see why in this course.

Create post