In this course you'll learn how to build a simple blog with user registration and blog CRUD functionality. Django is a powerful framework and you'll see why in this course.
sample blog post
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Android Worlds
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Powerful Android
Lo ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Phasellus iaculis eros lorem, nec finibus elit venenatis a. Nunc vestibulum fringilla sapien, ac interdum ligula pulvinar sit amet. Sed nec leo ex. Phasellus feugiat accumsan pharetra. Sed non au…
#first hey guys just checked this app and get know that I appreciated the work of mitch
Arizona Desert
This is an image of the Arizona desert. It's very red. I don't know what else to say about it.
I'm doing a pretty serious refactor of the open API code. It's going to be nice.
When I'm done I'll publish a list of the things I changed in the GitHub README.
Testing update
This is my shitry app
Finally everything is working without lag, so this is my another testing blog, now i am updating my blog
flaming tiger
the flaming tiger is the first of it's kind to make it to the digital world, stored securely in Mitch's API.
Welcome to Open Api
People-centric and expressive, with a new controls space and more privacy features.
Extend your apps with conversation notifications and bubbles, try one-time permissions, surface devices and media in the controls. Work faster with tools like com…